May 2015 Patents

Taylor IP obtains patents for U.S. and foreign clients pertaining to many different technologies.  Below are some patents that have been prepared and/or prosecuted by Taylor IP and recently issued by the U.S. Patent Office

Patents recently issued for clients of Taylor IP:

U.S. Patent No. 9,023,745, entitled “Photovoltaic cell having a substrate glass made of aluminosilicate glass”, issued on May 5, 2015, is directed to a photovoltaic cell, for example a thin-film photovoltaic cell, having a substrate glass made of aluminosilicate glass, has a glass composition which has SiO.sub.2 and Al.sub.2O.sub.3 as well as the alkali metal oxide Na.sub.2O and the alkaline earth oxides CaO, MgO, and BaO, and optionally further components. The glass composition includes 10 to 16 wt.-% Na.sub.2O, >0 to <5 wt.-% CaO, and >1 to 10 wt.-% BaO, and the ratio of CaO:MgO is in the range of 0.5 to 1.7. The aluminosilicate glass used is crystallization stable because of the selected quotient of CaO/MgO and has a transformation temperature > C. and a processing temperature < C. Therefore, it represents a more thermally stable alternative to soda-lime glass. The aluminosilicate glass is used as a substrate glass, superstrate glass, and/or cover glass for a photovoltaic cells, for example for thin-film photovoltaic cells, in particular those based on semiconductor composite material, such as CdTe, CIS, or CIGS.

U.S. Patent No. 9,038,208, entitled “Swim spa with plenum arrangement at head end”, issued on May 26, 2015, is directed to a swimming pool with a circulating water flow includes a plurality of side walls adjacent a swimming compartment, one of the side walls including an outlet, at least one inlet positioned at each lateral side of the outlet, and a plenum arrangement on a side of the one wall opposite the swimming compartment. The plenum arrangement is in communication with each inlet and the outlet. A water propulsion device is positioned within the plenum arrangement and effects a pair of circuitous water flow paths within the swimming compartment.

For more detailed information concerning this patent, please follow this link:

Please note that not all patents which have been prepared by Taylor IP actually issue with Taylor IP being listed as the responsible law firm/attorneys.  For example, some of the larger companies that are represented by Taylor IP prefer to list their inhouse personnel as the responsible legal professionals for their issued patents.  Thus, many patents that are prepared and/or prosecuted by Taylor IP do not appear with our name on the face of the patent.

Taylor IP has several patent attorneys with diverse and strong technical backgrounds.  Each patent attorney at Taylor IP has a specific technical background and a law degree, and most have industry experience in their respective technical field.  For example, our patent attorneys have technical backgrounds in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering and chemical engineering.  We represent some of the largest and most technologically advanced companies in the world, as well as mid-sized companies, small companies and individuals.  We receive patent work directly from US and foreign companies, through foreign patent law firms and attorneys representing foreign companies, through US domestic law firms and attorneys representing companies and individuals, and directly from individuals desiring to protect their inventions.

Contact Taylor IP today for assistance with all of your IP needs.  We can help you search your idea and determine whether your idea is patentable or may have potential infringement concerns.  We can help you with any design around efforts needed in the event a relevant third party patent is found.  We can prepare and file a patent application on your idea, and negotiate with the US Patent Office to obtain your patent.  We can also enforce your patent rights through litigation in the event a third party infringes on your rights.

Contact us at or 260-897-3400.

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